All products shown on the Vaughan website are protected by the international laws of copyright and design right and may not be reproduced, distributed or modified in whole or part, without the prior written consent of Vaughan Ltd. Any known infringement of our intellectual property will be actively pursued by our appointed lawyers. The images from this site may not be reproduced in any form, without the prior written consent of Vaughan Ltd. We reserve all rights in the information contained in this site and in respects of all products advertised and illustrated on this site. Vaughan Ltd authorises any person to store documentation on a single computer for personal use only and to print copies of documentation for personal use only, provided that the documentation contains Vaughan's copyright notice.
In the pursuit of continual improvement, we reserve the right to make changes to any product and/or description without prior notice. It is our aim that the information and data contained in this web site is accurate and reliable, however, we cannot be held liable for any consequential damages should any inaccuracies or errors occur. Vaughan Ltd expressly disclaims all warranties and/or conditions, express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever relating to or referenced by this website including but not limited to the implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability or satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose. The site and the information contained on the site is not to be an offer for contractual purposes.